Learn Bet Win is a website dedicated to educating punters, and giving them the tools necessary to bring their betting accounts from the RED into the BLACK.

Premium Advisory Service

My Premium Advisory Service launched in October 2013 and has been very successful with a remarkable 2,168% bank growth in just over eleven years. The service has an average of about 55 bets every month, emailed/texted to members between 8:30 and 11:30 every morning. As well as a monthly subscription membership, you can join and remain a member until a set profit target of 80 points has been reached.

Betting School

Want to bet and win? Then visit my betting school where I intend to teach you all you need to know to succeed in your battle against the bookmakers.


My Betting Blog covers everything from big race previews and tips, discussing horse racing topics, and anything else I feel the need to rant about.

Hit or Myth

I examine the many media cliches relating to horse racing, taking a novel approach. I actually look at the evidence, to see if they’re a Hit or Myth. The most recent article in this series is my look at The Bounce Theory

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